Staff Spotlight Kimberly Davison featured image

Staff Spotlight: Kimberly Davison

Angella Bisigni
February 28, 2024

Here at PetroLedger Financial Services we pride ourselves on our amazing team members and the exceptional skills and experiences that they bring to the table. Each person has a background and skill set that makes them vital to our mission. Here we want to highlight one of these team members, Kimberly Davison, our Accounts Payable and Joint Interest Billing Specialist. Keep reading to see what makes Kimberly a crucial member of our staff and what she enjoys about working with us.

Kimberly’s Background

Kimberly has spent 18 years in the oil & gas industry, starting small by helping part-time with her husband’s business as a Petroleum Geologist and small West Texas operator. She managed the accounting while also teaching Special Education. After 12 years of doing the bookkeeping for her husband, the opportunity to pursue oil & gas accounting full-time presented itself. She took it and hasn’t looked back! Kimberly is now starting her sixth year with us here at PetroLedger.

Kimberly’s Day-To-Day

Kimberly works remotely out of Abilene, Texas and, like many of our employees, no day is quite the same as the last. Her responsibilities span the entirety of the accounts payable and joint interest billing needs for our clients. This has her coding invoices for oil & gas operators and producers, processing those invoices, keeping in contact with vendors and updating their information, as well as coordinating payment processing with clients. She also coordinates this work with her team when she receives AP emails, she extracts invoices from those emails and distributes them to her team, she then approves her teammates’ work. From there she is responsible for record keeping of monthly draft obligations, JIB related expenses, vendor statements, and then the writing and disbursement of the checks at the end of the month. With all of this to do every day for multiple clients, Kimberly’s schedule must be very flexible.

She starts her day off very organized as she is a self-proclaimed “list-o-holic.” She has all of her clients and deadlines written out and prioritized, but as we all know in oil & gas, things change very quickly. “It is definitely very fluid and keeps me on my toes!”

What Kimberly Loves About PetroLedger

“I would have to say the best thing about working for PetroLedger is the opportunity to learn and grow.” Even with many years spent in the oil & gas industry, Kimberly is always finding something new to learn. Though her specialty is AP and JIB, due to PetroLedger’s intertwined nature, she has had the opportunity to share and learn from other departments outside of her own. She believes a day without learning something new is a day wasted.

The culture with us at PetroLedger is another reason Kimberly has stuck around with us. She has watched the company grow leaps and bounds, all while nurturing the team environment even with offices in different cities. Our diverse and inclusive environment enables Kimberly and the rest of our team to learn from each other and maximize on everyone’s different expertise and experiences.

What Makes PetroLedger Different

“One word comes to mind – perseverance.” Not every day can be planned out 100%, and clients come to us with unforeseen and urgent obstacles and deadlines, but that doesn’t stop Kimberly or the PetroLedger team. She understands that the check she is mailing or the account she is working on is someone’s livelihood and they depend on it. More so, she understands it from first-hand experience, as she and her husband are interest owners and understand how imperative this work is. This is why she has no problem rearranging schedules and working late to get the job done.

Kimberly believes that PetroLedger puts clients first and we take care of them how we, ourselves, would want to be treated. “Regardless of how big or small they are – we treat all clients with the same care, respect, and attention to their needs!” What we make clients feel is what sets us apart from the rest.

We at PetroLedger value our team and love showing off their skills and talents. If you want to check out other Staff Spotlight posts, check out our blog!
Want to work with our oil & gas accounting and land professionals? Contact us to get started!

Angella Bisigni
Senior Creative Marketing Associate

Angella is the newest addition to the PetroLedger Marketing team. She comes to us with many years of experience in various marketing settings creating graphics and running ad campaigns. She has a Bachelors in Graphic Design and Media Arts.

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