Meet the Team: Stephanie Carollo

Lauren Rabalais
March 22, 2023

At PetroLedger, we get to know our clients pretty well. We want you to know who we are, too. There’s a lot more personality than you might expect to find at a financial firm, and while professionalism is our first order of business, creating a fun work environment is always close behind! Today we’d like to introduce Stephanie Carollo, a vital member of our Plant Accounting team. We sat down with her to ask a few questions and get to know her a little better…

Do you have a favorite cartoon character from your childhood?

I always enjoyed watching Charlie Brown episodes when I was growing up.  I loved that they showed all different types of people, including a dog and a bird, living out their daily dilemmas.  My favorites still to this day are their holiday shows, like “Charlie Brown Christmas” and their Valentine episode.  I remember looking forward to the holiday episodes when I was a kid, and I’d make sure to be front and center of the TV come show time.  Back then, we weren’t able to set it to record to watch later!  I loved Charlie Brown so much that I even carried a Charlie Brown lunch box to school in elementary.  Remember the old tin lunch boxes that would hold your lunch and a thermos?  Good times, back then!

Can you tell me about your background?

I was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  I actually have never lived anywhere else.  I went to Booker T. Washington High School, and then graduated with a BSBA majoring in Accounting from the University of Tulsa.  I interned at Texaco my junior and senior year in college, which was my first oil and gas exposure.  I loved it, but Texaco relocated to Houston, so upon graduation I secured employment with Samson Resources.  The bulk of my oil and gas experience came from Samson.

I started out as a revenue accountant, then moved into Joint Venture Audits as the Audit Coordinator, and then ended up in Pipeline Sales Accounting.  I left Samson to be a stay-at-home mom, and then finally made my way back to oil and gas through The Resource Group which is now PetroLedger.  I started out as a Revenue Accountant at The Resource Group, then got promoted to the Revenue Accounting Manager.  Around November 2019, the oil and gas industry started to crash, so I ventured off to start my own business, Yum Cookies LLC.  I have enjoyed baking cookies over the last few years, but I have returned part time to PetroLedger as a Gas Plant Accountant.

I work with Melissa Corbett, who has been the one-woman-operation for Gas Plant Accounting for several years.  In my Joint Venture Audit days at Samson, I audited gas plants, but never had the opportunity to do the day-to-day accounting for gas plants.  I have enjoyed learning all that Melissa has taught me and look forward to growing the Midstream Accounting group for PetroLedger!

What was your favorite thing about the place where you grew up?

I love that, in Oklahoma, you experience all four seasons.  Actually, you can experience all four seasons in one week if you’re lucky!  Tulsa has a small-town feel with big city attractions. We have wonderful theater shows at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center, fun sporting events like Tulsa Drillers Baseball and the Fair Meadows Horse Races, the Tulsa State Fair, Safari Joe’s Waterpark, the Gathering Place, which has put Tulsa on the map for top parks to visit in the nation, and a very fun local music scene.

What is the one thing you’ve ever done or made in your life that you’re the most proud of?

Many moons ago, I trained for the OKC Half Marathon and successfully finished the race!  It will always be one of my favorite moments and accomplishments.  Running challenges you on so many different levels. Setting small weekly goals in order to accomplish your big end goal of a half marathon takes a lot of discipline and time management.  Once you cross that finish line, though, it is all worth it!

Want to learn more about other members of the PetroLedger team? Check out our other blog posts!

If you want to check out other Meet The Team posts, check out our blog!

Lauren Rabalais
Creative Marketing Associate

Lauren, one of our youngest team members, comes to PetroLedger shortly after obtaining her Digital Media Innovation degree from Texas State University. Armed with knowledge of digital and social media trends, Lauren brings a fresh perspective to PetroLedger’s online identity and ensures that our company reaches new clients.

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